Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Earth 2x2x2 dodecahedronA 2x2x2 dodecahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.
Earth CuboctahedronA deep cut face turning cuboctahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.
Earth IcosahedronCorner turning icosahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.

Earth IcosidodecahedronA deep cut face turning icosidodecahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.
Earth Masterball octaA transformation of the masterball making it edgy with sticker design of the earth globe.
Earth MegaminxA megaminx custom stickered like a geographic view of planet earth.

Earth OctahedronA corner turning octahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.
Earth RhombicuboctahedronA face turning rhombicuboctahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.
Earth chop bandagedA bandaged little chop with a sticker design of the earth globe.

Earth cubeA cube covered with the earths surface.
Earth disdyakis dodecahedronA disdyakis dodecahedron with sticker design of the earth globe and a deep cut hybrid axis system implemented with magnets and steelball.
Earth rhombic dodecahedronA deep cut face turning rhombic dodecahedron with sticker design of the earth globe.

Earth rhombic triacontahedronA rhombic triacontahedron turning on some corners with a sticker design of the earth globe.
Earth rhombicosidodecahedronA megaminx transformed into a rhombicosidodecahedron with stickers resembling the earth globe.
Earth tetrahedron4 pieces tetrahedral puzzle with a sticker design of the earth globe.

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